Heavy Trucks

MASIV® for heavy duty vehicles. Performance where it matters -anytime.


MASIV® Advanced Industrial Radiators were designed specifically for heavy duty applications.

Heavy trucks demand more from their engines and require maximum performance on tap at all times. MASIV® Advanced Radiators provide all the necessary thermal headroom beyond spec giving heavy vehicles an extended performance range that conventional radiators can’t provide.

Optimized to yield exceptional performance at low speeds that scales with higher air velocities, MASIV® Advanced Radiators mitigates parasitic loads on engines, minimizing fan-on time. Its lowered internal coolant volume also reduces hydraulic back pressure maximizing flow within the cooling channels and lowering warm up times.

And if its about toughness, MASIV® radiators feature thicker tube walls that provide added protection against road debris and ensured durability.

MASIV®Advanced Industrial Radiators have high performance and rugged durability in its DNA. Expect no less.

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